Magnetic Stimulation Review of QRS Quantron

Magnetic stimulation braces the immune system

The numerous effects that definitely influence the immune system have already been discussed. A balanced vegetative nervous system is as beneficial as an enhanced circulation combined with optimal oxygen supply. Perfect oxygen supply facilitates a correctly working immune system. All these active mechanisms have recently been explained. Moreover, suitable pulsed magnetic fields boost the quantity of calcium ( Ca++ ) available to the immune system. Since our bodies are generally composed of water ( H20 ), there are sufficient low-charged hydrogen ions ( H+ ) present in the tissue. These are the smallest ions present in the body and under the influence of magnetic fields ; they begin to "migrate". 2 of these H+ ions replace one Ca++ ion, bound in the tissue permitting Calcium to be released and available to the immune system to do its important job.

How does Magnetic stimulation improve the blood circulation

Even the littlest arteries in the periphery are ( longitudinal ) muscle fibers. These vessels are also called terminal vascular beds. They're turned on by the vegetative nervous system. As explained above, "hyper polarization" is induced on these "myoceptors" ( transmission point from nerve to muscles cells ). This weakens nerve impulse to the nerve cell so the nerve cell relaxes. The cross section of the littlest blood vessels is being expanded and blood circulation improved. The increased circulation, along with the above discussed improved oxygen supply and improved metabolism, produces and ideal mix.

Magnetic stimulation is accountable for improved metabolism

Acceptable oxygen supply promotes improved nutrient conversion in the cell as well as refinement of the waste products that are excreted by the cell more easily. This overall improved metabolism is therefore a logical consequence of increased oxygen supply. This metabolism is also being supported by improved blood circulation of the tissue that is accountable for the anti inflammatory effect of magnetic resonance stimulation.

Magnetic Stimulation causes muscle relaxation and improved circulation

healing application of pulsed magnetic fields produces tiny electronic impulses ( inductions ) in the body. These electro magnetic impulses in turn produce surges at the transmission points of nerve and muscle cells called "hyper polarization". By weakening nerve impulses to the muscle cells, they lose their stress and are able to relax! This has a positive effect on the entire organism : Muscle relaxation and improved blood circulation are the result. All muscle stress and even spasm can be relieved or even eliminated. Headaches and back stiffness are commonly caused by muscle stress that can be treated naturally with this modality. Herniated disks are a first area of treatment : The affected disk signals to the "control system" ( the brain ) that there is damage. As a natural reaction, the brain orders the muscles to tense-up in this area. Now the disk is under even more pressure as the natural protective mechanism starts an endless circle. People using puls magnetic fields for this actual indication, often find the influenced muscles relaxed, force on the spinal disk eased and the dangerous cycle damaged after one or two treatments. The pain eases in a natural way.
Our site is Magnetic Stimulation Survey of MRS 2000, QRS Quantron and BEMER 3000 or call 877-403-6337

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